Saturday, May 11, 2013

Zsa Zsa Gabor Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Jobs and Eyelift

It's a syndrome actually called "The Zsa Zsa Factor." Like her ex-step-great-grandaughter, Paris Hilton, Zsa Zsa Gabor is famous for being famous. She invented what journalist Neal Gabler describes as "those who have gained recognition for having done virtually nothing of significance." Gabor is known for her glamor, her beauty, her accent, her marriages, her name, her jewels, her outrageous comments, the word "dahlink," her sisters, and slapping a policeman. Hard to remember that once, she was not only Miss Hungary, but an actress.

Zsa Zsa Gabor: It’s Plastic Surgery, Darling

Born in 1917, Zsa Zsa Gabor grew up in Vienna Austria. She was crowned Miss Hungary in 1936. A few years later Zsa Zsa left for the United States to become a movie star. Zsa Zsa soon became known for her regal like personality that was over flowing with charm and grace. She landed roles in both film and television. Gabor loved men. So much so she has been married a total of nine times.To keep up with her aging looks Zsa Zsa has under gone numerous cosmetic procedures over the decades. She appears to have had a nose job, cheek lift, eye lift, neck lift and several face lifts. Whew… say that in one breath.

On June 14,1989 Zsa Zsa was pulled over by police driving through Beverly Hills. Turned out she had a expired drivers license and decided to drive away. After a brief chase she pulled over. When the officer asked her to leave her car she slapped him. A flask with alcohol was found in the car.

Health Issues
Zsa Zsa is 94 years old now and in poor health. She has been in a wheelchair since a 2002 car accident and she also suffered a stroke in 2005. She lost her leg from infections after Complications arose from a surgery she had. Gabor was even in a coma at one point.

It's a syndrome actually called "The Zsa Zsa Factor." Like her ex-step-great-grandaughter, Paris Hilton, Zsa Zsa Gabor is famous for being famous. She invented what journalist Neal Gabler describes as "those who have gained recognition for having done virtually nothing of significance." Gabor is known for her glamor, her beauty, her accent, her marriages, her name, her jewels, her outrageous comments, the word "dahlink," her sisters, and slapping a policeman. Hard to remember that once, she was not only Miss Hungary, but an actress.

Zsa Zsa Gabor was unable to make the discovery herself because one hand is paralyzed and the other is too short to reach.

She has been in declining health since a car crash in 2002 and an accident in 2010 when she fell out of bed whilst trying to answer the telephone.

In January last year she had her right leg amputated above the knee after doctors found an infection and antibiotics failed to cure it.

Zsa Zsa Gabor is now confined to her bed at her Los Angeles mansion.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt admitted that along with not telling her about her leg, she “doesn’t know she gets food through the tube”.

He said: “It will only upset her. She was so glamorous always, and she is so vain.”

He also confessed to not informing her of the death of her friend Phyllis Diller last month as: “I don’t want to give bad news to my wife.”

Hungarian-born Zsa Zsa Gabor became a sex symbol in the 1950s and was known for her pithy comments on her colorful love life.

She once said: “I am a marvellous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.”

Frederic von Anhalt was recently appointed her temporary conservator after a court battle with her daughter Constance Francesca Hilton.

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