Gaby Spanic is a soap star in her native Latin America. Now, she is trying to make it in the US. My first suggestion is that she get rid of the breast implants that have a huge gap between them. You could drive a truck through those. Huge, obviously augmented breasts make you look cheap!
Gaby Spanic is known to American audiences as “that pretty lady speaking Spanish really fast on grandma’s television”, but to South American and other Spanish speaking audiences, she’s a superstar. Known for her work on Telenovelas (soap operas) like La Usurpadora, Por Tu Amor, La Intrusa, Tierra de Pasiones, and Soy Tu Dueña ; the Venezualan born starlet has also become known for her gravity defying and ultra round breasts. Rumor has it that she claims her breasts are real, but real breasts don’t have that shape, or that ability to stay up, so we figure she’s had a breast augmentation. She also appears to have had Bottox injections in her face, as she’s developed a very smooth and very shiny appearance in recent years; and a nosejob (rhinoplasty) that thinned her nose at the tip and made it more pointy. She looks pretty great for a woman of almost forty, and we can’t really fault her for having had work done. She’s a soap opera star; getting on her about plastic surgery would be like getting on a basketball player for being tall, or a midget for being a lawyer…wait, that last one didn’t make sense. Either way, soap stars have work done, it’s just the way it is; at least she didn’t go overboard…yet.
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