Monday, May 20, 2013

Jennifer Walcott Plastic Surgery Before and After Breast Implants

32-year old Jennifer Walcott is an Ohio-native who moved to Hollywood with dreams of being a model. She eventually landed in the pages of Playboy back in 2001, launching her career and showing off her obvious breast augmentation.

Petite Jennifer is too small for her large breast implants, likely silicone implants from makers Natrelle or Mentor. To help her breasts look more natural and less obvious, she could have them replaced.

Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer says, “Most Playboy models are known for having very large breast implants.  In order to achieve a natural result, it is important to make sure that the implants fit the frame of the patient.  Jennifer has a very petite frame and not much breast tissue to cover her implants.  These are reasons why her breast augmentation does not appear very natural looking.  To correct this, she should consider a smaller implant and make sure she has silicone implants over saline.  Silicone implants are made of a gel which is more like natural breast tissue.  There is another type of breast implant called an anatomical implant that is only recommended for patients with little or no breast tissue. It is shaped like a tear drop to help give the natural shape of a breast instead of the very round look.”

Another way for Jennifer to achieve a more natural look would be to use smaller implants this time around and place them under, rather than over, the muscle.

Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr Jennifer Walden says, “It appear that she has had a subglandular breast augmentation with very large implants, leaving quite a round and artificial appearance.  Downsizing the implants and putting them under the muscle could help her chest to look more natural, but I doubt that’s what she wants.”

Jennifer has a love of natural living, which is sure to serve her well as she ages and looks into having more plastic surgery.

Model Jennifer Walcott has a stalker named Edson Diaz and he has been charged with harassing her over the internet using MySpace. She’s a pretty girl, but her breasts are a wreck. They just do not look real. Its as if someone took a cantaloupe, cut it in half and shoved the halves in her chest. She must’ve had mosquito bite sized breasts prior to breast augmentation surgery.

Anyway, here is a photo of the guy who was harassing her on MySpace. He sent messages containing racial slurs at her and threatened to beat her.

Jennifer Walcott had plastic surgery to improve her self image. The before & after pictures show that she had breast implants. Overall, was Jennifer Walcott's cosmetic surgery procedure a good or bad idea?

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