By popular demand, I present to you soap actress, Hunter Tylo. Requests for her to be featured topped those of even Bree Walker. I don’t believe that anyone besides Stevie Wonder would describe Hunter Tylo’s seemingly enhanced bosoms as ‘proportional’. Indeed, they jut out like a shelf and look strangely out of place on her small petite frame.
Hunter Tylo has had an excessive amount of plastic surgery. She had a facelift, nose job, Botox injections, Restylane lip implants, and more. Also, she where's fake colored contacts to change her eye color.
Here's Hunter Tylo before and after plastic surgery. Yes, that is the same person... I had to do a little research to verify :)
I was looking at the IMDB for some information today and while I was there I thought I’d look at their Hunter Tylo message board. There was a person that has posted there and in other boards related to actresses on The Bold and The Beautiful and they’ve talked about how ugly these actresses are. The person obviously needs glasses but their comments about Hunter reminded me of a topic I wanted to write about here this year. Now is just as good a time as any.
I’ll probably be criticised for talking about such a personal topic, even though I’m only trying to help in my own “weird” way (writing a whole blog article about it), but it’s about Hunter’s alleged plastic surgery (her breasts). This is something she has gone on the record as denying that she has ever had (she never answers the question in media interviews, which makes critics suspicious, but she did in her own forum).
In July 2007, Hunter said:
Now, sure she didn’t comment on what people call her “fish lips”, and we all saw how swollen her top lip was when she returned to The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B) in 2005, and critics laughed hard everywhere (I encountered that here on this site in the chat area for almost a year afterwards), but that’s a different topic to the one of her boobs and any alleged surgery on them (which a notorious celebrity plastic surgery site attempted to illustrate several years ago). By the way, the “oral sex lips” look (that’s what it’s called) seems to be all the rage these days.
If Hunter’s critics were to look at the photo of Hunter in a bikini – that she has been smart enough to post in her MySpace site – they might get a small indication, if they “perve” hard enough, that her boobs have not been tampered with at all (because they weren’t just about slapping her in the face like they almost were in that Emmys dress that the plastic surgery site showed photos of).
But what really started all this discussion about her bosoms? Around the late 1990s or earlier this decade, Hunter appeared to have had a chest uplift (some of her outfits showed some much more pronounced cleavage), and I have thought that myself on a few occasions since then. (Maybe I’ve just taken a little too much notice of what she has worn and how she has worn it sometimes over the years.) It is the reactions of people at magazines that got the ball rolling earlier this decade after they started noticing this “new” cleavage. I’ve noticed that some magazines have even called in prominent plastic surgeons to discuss what they think she has had done.
Here's Hunter Tylo before and after plastic surgery. Yes, that is the same person... I had to do a little research to verify :) cosmetic procedure